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PROSEU has produced numerous resources for others to benefit from. Search below to find everything from videos to scientific publications.
Surplus Power Tariffs - Position Paper
This paper explains why standardised tariffs for renewable energy generation should continue to play a central role in energy policy. The overall goal is to massively accelerate the uptake of renewables to comply with the Paris Agreement. The demand for new renewable capacity is still not sufficiently incited by the energy markets due to incumbent fossil and nuclear generation and slow electrification of the heat and transport sector. Therefore, policy intervention is still necessary. A New...
Publication date: February 2021
Kristian Petrick, eco-union
Language: English
Mainstreaming prosumerism — Energy with the people
The stage is set for prosumerism. It has the potential to drastically contribute to climate neutrality targets and to make the energy transition socially-inclusive and beneficial for all. To ensure that citizens are enabled to take this up, the PROSEU consortium proposes a set of policy recommendations for mainstreaming prosumerism in Europe. They provide concrete propositions for national policy makers when drafting national legislation. They are further elaborated within the in-depth...
Publication date: Mon 1 Feb 2021
All PROSEU partners, editor: Arthur Hinsch
Language: English, German, Spanish
Mainstreaming prosumerism - Policy Recommendations.pdf DE - PROSUMER MAINSTREAMEN - ENERGIE MIT DEN MENSCHEN.pdf ES - FOMENTAR EL AUTOCONSUMO DE ENERGIA POR Y PARA LAS PERSONAS.pdf IT - Diffusione del prosumerismo – Energia con i cittadini.pdf NL - Mainstreaming PROSUMERISME - ENERGIE VOOR EN DOOR HET VOLK.pdf HR - Promicanje kupaca s vlastitom proizvodnjom.pdf FR L’énergie avec les citoyens.pdf
Guidance for national transposition of new EU directives relating to renewable energy prosumers (Policy Brief)
This policy brief provides information on the progress in transposition of new EU provisions on energy communities by six EU Member States (Belgium (the Walloon and Brussels regions), France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain) and formulates transposition recommendations for them. The analysis presented in the brief are based on information collected through interviews with national stakeholders, analysis of National Energy and Climate Plans and punctual examination of existing national...
Publication date: November 2020
Toporek, M, Provost, L.
Language: English
Transposition Guidance for citizen energy policies
This paper aims to inform and facilitate the transposition and the implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II, 2018/2001) and the Internal Electricity Market Directive (IEMD, 2019/944) in combination with the Governance Regulation (GR, 2018/1999). It focuses specifically on the provisions regarding the newly established rights of citizens like self-consumption and energy communities. It provides recommendations to be applied when drafting national legislation and regulation; it...
Publication date: May 2020
PROSEU, Community Power Coalition, SCORE, The Renewables Networking Platform (RNP), EREF
Language: English
Policies for Prosumer Business Models in the EU
In this policy brief, we build on the previous discussions through an analysis of the regulatory and broader institutional challenges facing these emerging business models for the nine member states in scope1. We therefore seek to address the following questions: In which member states can these business models exist and why? What are the key policy constraints and enablers for their replication in other contexts? How can policymakers enable their diffusion to disrupt or consolidate existing...
Publication date: April 2020
Donal Brown,Stephen Hall, MarkE. Davis Moritz Ehrtmann, Lars Holstenkamp
Language: English
Participatory Governance for the roll-out of the Energy Union (Policy Brief)
The purpose of this paper is to provide recommendations to policy-makers, legislators and administrations on the implementation of rights allowing prosumers and energy communities to participate in the roll-out of the Energy Union. The governance for the roll-out of the Energy Union should be based on wide involvement of stakeholders and therefore, be participatory. Prosumes and energy communities are important actors of the energy transition and should play an active role in the creation of...
Publication date: March 2020
Marta Toporek(CLIENTEARTH)
Language: English
Principles for Prosumer Policy Options
This report offers a set of principles for prosumer policy options that allow prosumers to become an integral part of the energy system. It aims to inform and influence National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) as well as transposition into national legislation and regulation of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), the Electricity Market Directive (EMD) and the Governance Regulation by developing strategies around the involvement and mainstreaming of prosumers and renewable energy...
Publication date: September 2019
Kristian Petrick, Jérémie Fosse, Salvador Klarwein (all ECO-UNION)
Language: English
Principios de políticas para prosumidores / Principles for Prosumer Policy Options
Recomendaciones para fortalecer los prosumidores y las comunidades de energía en los Planes Nacionales Integrados de Energía y Clima (PNIEC) y las políticas locales, nacionales y de la UE relacionadas Los socios del proyecto PROSEU proponen una serie de principios para las distintas opciones de políticas de prosumidores que permitirán a los prosumidores ser parte integral del sistema energético. Pretende informar e influenciar los Planes Nacionales. Integrados de Energía y Clima (PNIEC)...
Publication date: Tue 17 Sep 2019
Language: English, Spanish
Strategies for enhancing policy coherence and sustainability
The overall objective of this policy brief and report on background information is to provide guidance in terms of how to make prosumer projects truly sustainable across all three sustainability dimensions, i.e. considering the environmental, social and economic perspectives. It does so by identifying and discussing the main sustainability issues facing prosumers within the three sustainability dimensions, and by providing concrete guidelines for a) prosumer initiatives (including both...
Publication date: May 2019
Kristian Petrick, Jérémie Fosse, Salvador Klarwein, Mireia Reus (all ECO-UNION)
Language: English