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PROSEU has produced numerous resources for others to benefit from. Search below to find everything from videos to scientific publications.

1 - 8 out of 8 results.

Charging the future: Roadmaps and value tensions for mainstreaming prosumerism to 2030 and 2050


This report presents the outcomes of a participatory process in which these multiple development paths and futures of prosumer business models, social dynamics, and technical systems were explored with a wide range of stakeholders. First, we outline the objective of the report and the process of the Participatory Integrated Assessment (PIA) (Section 1). Second, we discuss six leverage points, or ‘buttons to switch’ for affecting the future, which were distilled from the rich outcomes of...

Publication date: February 2021

Author: Tessa de Geus, Julia Wittmayer, Fabi van Berkel (DRIFT)

Language: English

Resource page



PROSEU produced a series infographics highlighting the work done in the project and sharing new perspectives from the world of Prosumerism. 

Publication date: February 2021

Author: PROSEU

Language: English

Resource page

10 Provocations for Mainstreaming Prosumerism towards 2050


There is no perfect way to mainstream prosumerism towards 2050. Different actors will have different preferences and the future is uncertain.  FInd here 10 provocations from the PROSEU project that may help start the discussion. These are meant as provocations for you to use in interviews, workshops etc. You can find the recommendations from the PROSEU project here.  You can also find the Deliverable "Charging the future: Roadmaps and value tensions for mainstreaming prosumerism to 2030...

Publication date: February 2021

Author: DRIFT

Language: English

Resource page

Materials on e-workshop on Future energy systems PIA#3


Blog from Pia #3 Introduction: PIA scene,  programme & objectives of the day by Julia Wittmayer (PROSEU/DRIFT) Setting the (EU) regulatory scene by Kristian Petrick (PROSEU/Eco Union) and Marta Toporek (PROSEU/ClientEarth) Highlight #1: Technical scenarios of renewable power integration, a multi-level perspective. Exploring the full potential of prosumer technology by Borna Doracic (PROSEU/UNIZAG FSB) & Nanda Naber (PROSEU/CE Delft) Highlight #2: Enabling Energy Islands or Full...

Publication date: Wed 24 Jun 2020

Author: PROSEU

Language: English

Resource page

Materials from e-workshop on Energy Inclusiveness PIA#2


Introduction, programme & closure by Jeremie Fosse, Eco-Union & Julia Wittmayer, DRIFT Highlight #1: Harnessing the Power of the Crowd for the Energy Transition, Nuno Brito Jorge, Coopernico Highlight #2: Practicing energy inclusiveness with invited pitches on inclusiveness challenges: Energy poverty as a social priority in the context of a just energy transition, Marta Garcia, CEO, ecoserveis Renewable energy - a gender perspective, Christine Lins, Global Women‘s Network for the...

Publication date: Wed 29 Apr 2020

Author: PROSEU

Language: English

Resource page

Materials from e-workshop on Prosumer Business Models PIA#1


Blog on PIA #1 Agenda & participant briefing Background document Presentation on Challenges of Prosumer business models - balancing the needs of communities and the energy system, Donal Brown, University of Leeds Highlight #1: Prosumer business models in 2050, Jeffrey Hardy, Imperial College London Highlight #2: Polling on fees and surcharges, Moritz Ehrtmann & Timon Becker, Leuphana University of Lüneburg Highlight #3: Digitalisation, Lars Holstenkamp, Leuphana University of...

Publication date: Wed 25 Mar 2020

Author: PROSEU

Language: English

Resource page

Infographic on Living Labs


Infographic Living labs.JPG

Publication date: 2020

Language: English

Resource page

Infographic on Prosumer Community of Interest



Publication date: 2019

Language: English

Resource page