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41 - 50 out of 53 results.

Renewable Energy Prosumers in Mediterranean Viticulture Social–Ecological Systems


The significant energy demands of wine production pose both a challenge and an opportunity for adopting a low-carbon, more sustainable and potentially less expensive energy model. Nevertheless, the (dis)incentives for the wider adoption of local production and self-consumption of energy (also known as “prosumerism”) from renewable energy sources (RESs) are still not sufficiently addressed, nor are the broader social–ecological benefits of introducing RES as part of a sustainable...

Publication date: November 2019

Author: Lisbon University, Esporão SA, omissão Vitivinícola Regional Alentejana

Language: English

Resource page

Principles for Prosumer Policy Options

Policy Brief

This report offers a set of principles for prosumer policy options that allow prosumers to become an integral part of the energy system. It aims to inform and influence National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) as well as transposition into national legislation and regulation of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), the Electricity Market Directive (EMD) and the Governance Regulation by developing strategies around the involvement and mainstreaming of prosumers and renewable energy...

Publication date: September 2019

Author: Kristian Petrick, Jérémie Fosse, Salvador Klarwein (all ECO-UNION)

Language: English

Resource page

Principios de políticas para prosumidores / Principles for Prosumer Policy Options

Policy Brief

Recomendaciones para fortalecer los prosumidores y las comunidades de energía en los Planes Nacionales Integrados de Energía y Clima (PNIEC) y las políticas locales, nacionales y de la UE relacionadas Los socios del proyecto PROSEU proponen una serie de principios para las distintas opciones de políticas de prosumidores que permitirán a los prosumidores ser parte integral del sistema energético. Pretende informar e influenciar los Planes Nacionales. Integrados de Energía y Clima (PNIEC)...

Publication date: Tue 17 Sep 2019

Author: PROSEU

Language: English, Spanish

Resource page

Infographic on Prosumer Community of Interest



Publication date: 2019

Language: English

Resource page

Review and characterisation of collective renewable energy prosumer initiatives


This document establishes a baseline review and characterisation of renewable energy sources (RES) prosumer initiatives across Europe, which other PROSEU work packages can subsequently build on. Based on highly collaborative work carried out under Task 2.1 and 2.2 of WP2, this report shares interdisciplinary insights on the current state of play for collective forms of prosumer initiatives in Europe using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods.

Publication date: June 2019

Author: Lanka Horstink (UPORTO), Guilherme Luz (FC.ID), Mark Soares (UPORTO) & Kiat Ng (UPORTO)

Language: English

Resource page

Strategies for enhancing policy coherence and sustainability

Policy Brief

The overall objective of this policy brief and report on background information is to provide guidance in terms of how to make prosumer projects truly sustainable across all three sustainability dimensions, i.e. considering the environmental, social and economic perspectives. It does so by identifying and discussing the main sustainability issues facing prosumers within the three sustainability dimensions, and by providing concrete guidelines for a) prosumer initiatives (including both...

Publication date: May 2019

Author: Kristian Petrick, Jérémie Fosse, Salvador Klarwein, Mireia Reus (all ECO-UNION)

Language: English

Resource page

Economical, environmental and exergetic multi-objective optimization of district heating systems on hourly level for a whole year


District heating systems are proven to be an effective way of increasing energy efficiency, reducing the environmental impact and achieving higher exergy efficiency than individual heating solutions. The leaders in district heating integration are Scandinavian countries with more than 50% of the covered total heating demand. Nevertheless, these systems haven’t reached their full potential in most European countries. The reason for this could be that energy planners often study only the...

Publication date: May 2019

Author: Hrvoje Dorotić, Tomislav Pukšec, Neven Duić

Language: English

Resource page

National Energy and Climate Plans - Preliminary analysis on Prosumerism for 9 EU Member States


As part of the policy related activities, PROSEU partners eco-union and Client Earth have carried out a preliminary check on the provisions on self-consumption and energy communities in the draft National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) of nine EU member states (BE, DE, ES, FR, HR, IT, NL, PT, UK). The main findings are that only France and Spain put a reasonable emphasis on the importance of self-consumption and energy communities as suggested by RED II. Germany and Italy show some...

Publication date: April 2019

Author: Kristian Petrick, eco-union & Marta Toporek, Client Earth

Language: English

Resource page

Prosumer technology database


Set of three databases of technologies compatible with the Strategic Energy Technologies Information System (SETIS) and its various tools. It includes energy production, energy demand, demand side management and energy storage both in terms of electricity and heat as well as current and future technologies.

Publication date: March 2019

Author: Novosel, T.; Pukšec, T.; Kampman, B.; Scholten, T.; Naber, N.; Gährs, S.; Knoefel, J.

Language: English

Resource page

Assessment of existing EU-wide and Member State-specific regulatory and policy frameworks of RES Prosumers


This report identifies and describes the regulatory frameworks and policy instruments relevant for RES Prosumer initiatives in the EU and nine participating Member States. Taking the current state of the art on the legal challenges and opportunities for RES prosumers, this document explains recent developments of EU legislation related to renewable energy production and self-consumption (i.e. prosumerism). The analysis of the policy and regulatory frameworks of nine EU Member States (i.e....

Publication date: March 2019

Author: Marta Toporek (CLIENTEARTH); Inês Campos (FC.ID)

Language: English

Resource page
