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Mainstreaming prosumerism — Energy with the people
The stage is set for prosumerism. It has the potential to drastically contribute to climate neutrality targets and to make the energy transition socially-inclusive and beneficial for all. To ensure that citizens are enabled to take this up, the PROSEU consortium proposes a set of policy recommendations for mainstreaming prosumerism in Europe. They provide concrete propositions for national policy makers when drafting national legislation. They are further elaborated within the in-depth...
Publication date: Mon 1 Feb 2021
All PROSEU partners, editor: Arthur Hinsch
Language: English, German, Spanish
Mainstreaming prosumerism - Policy Recommendations.pdf DE - PROSUMER MAINSTREAMEN - ENERGIE MIT DEN MENSCHEN.pdf ES - FOMENTAR EL AUTOCONSUMO DE ENERGIA POR Y PARA LAS PERSONAS.pdf IT - Diffusione del prosumerismo – Energia con i cittadini.pdf NL - Mainstreaming PROSUMERISME - ENERGIE VOOR EN DOOR HET VOLK.pdf HR - Promicanje kupaca s vlastitom proizvodnjom.pdf FR L’énergie avec les citoyens.pdf