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A multi-dimensional typology of collective RES prosumers across Europe
This report is part of WP2 in the PROSEU project - Baseline analysis and Characterisation of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Prosumer Initiatives, which set out to establish an understanding of the characteristics and challenges of collective renewable energy prosumer initiatives. The report covers the results of Task 2.3: Developing a typology of prosumer initiatives, with the goal of “develop(ing) a typology that reflects the variety of RES prosumer initiatives in Europe”.
Publication date: October 2020
Julia M Wittmayer (DRIFT), Maria Fraaije (DRIFT), Lanka Horstink (UPorto), Flor Avelino (DRIFT)
Language: English
Co-learning and co-creation experiences with renewable energy prosumer Living Labs across Europe
prosumer projects rely on the participation of a number of diverse stakeholders to be effective and empowering citizens to become active contributors to the energy transition is a process subject to many different kinds of enabling and constraining conditions. Going beyond just the generation of decentralised renewable energy, collective prosumerism contributes to community building by bringing together many people from local communities and beyond. This character of prosumerism as a...
Publication date: October 2020
ICLEI Europe
Language: English