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Prosumers in the post subsidy era: an exploration of new prosumer business models in the UK
This paper explores the evolving renewable energy ‘prosumer’ phenomenon in the United Kingdom (UK). It identifies and evaluates how prosumer business models can exist beyond direct subsidy and the range of prosumer business model archetypes currently in operation. Through a series of in-depth interviews and document analysis, the paper identifies the key opportunities and challenges for these innovative energy business models. The analysis shows that recent developments in technology such...
Publication date: 2019
University of Leeds
Language: English
Renewable Energy Prosumers in Mediterranean Viticulture Social–Ecological Systems
The significant energy demands of wine production pose both a challenge and an opportunity for adopting a low-carbon, more sustainable and potentially less expensive energy model. Nevertheless, the (dis)incentives for the wider adoption of local production and self-consumption of energy (also known as “prosumerism”) from renewable energy sources (RESs) are still not sufficiently addressed, nor are the broader social–ecological benefits of introducing RES as part of a sustainable...
Publication date: November 2019
Lisbon University, Esporão SA, omissão Vitivinícola Regional Alentejana
Language: English
Economical, environmental and exergetic multi-objective optimization of district heating systems on hourly level for a whole year
District heating systems are proven to be an effective way of increasing energy efficiency, reducing the environmental impact and achieving higher exergy efficiency than individual heating solutions. The leaders in district heating integration are Scandinavian countries with more than 50% of the covered total heating demand. Nevertheless, these systems haven’t reached their full potential in most European countries. The reason for this could be that energy planners often study only the...
Publication date: May 2019
Hrvoje Dorotić, Tomislav Pukšec, Neven Duić
Language: English